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How a stem cell transplant for MS is keeping me on my feet

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bridget snell
Aug 30, 20182 min read
I have stores of number 2 cards
Day +137 Yesterday was the first day of school for both girls. I have posted the obligatory first-day-back pictures. I have [honestly]...

bridget snell
Aug 18, 20182 min read
Thanks, Billy
Day +125 and positive it is. If this were a stage show, I'd cue the music "ain't no mountain high enough" and put up a big-screen  photo...

bridget snell
Jun 7, 20182 min read
I am not Aaron Sorkin's demographic
rangry  \răŋ-grē\ Having run, with anger. I'm approaching the three month mark. It's actually been 82 days since my transplant, 71 days...

bridget snell
Apr 24, 20183 min read
Don't call it a comeback
As of yesterday, we're out of severe neutropenia! We are out of the land of do-not-do-this-and-do-not-eat-that! This doesn't mean we can...

bridget snell
Apr 22, 20182 min read
Nothing Rhymes with Neutropenia
I've had the most boring of days these past few. Just laying around all day, consuming calories, multiplying cells, growing an immune...

bridget snell
Apr 17, 20183 min read
Sorry so late, had to party...
I have been meaning to catch everyone up since my last post, but you know how it is the couple of days after a big birthday party... It...

bridget snell
Apr 13, 20183 min read
Who's your Daddy, Stem Cells?!
11.8 million stem cells. [mic drop] [picks mic up and runs a Lysol wipe over it, then sprays down with Lysol, then applies Purell to...

bridget snell
Apr 12, 20182 min read
Harvest Day!
If this were a musical, the opening scene would be me, lightheaded and flushed, opening the curtains (and wincing at the light) and...

bridget snell
Apr 9, 20182 min read
Step Away from the Phone
It was bound to happen. Something was going to take a turn. I've run out of Grace and Frankie. Halfway through Brooklyn 99. So why not...

bridget snell
Apr 5, 20181 min read
Stem Stim
I'm going to try to type like my youngest daughter speaks-- just chop up the words to save time. Today no chemo but my first of 2x/day...

bridget snell
Apr 3, 20183 min read
Wasabi Nose
Yeah, that's a thing. It's the term one of the staff here uses to describe one of the many side effects of the chemo as it first entered...

bridget snell
Mar 2, 20182 min read
We get a cool flat in MTY
(With a view) Besides that mind-boggling treatment they'll give me in Monterrey, they give us an apartment to live in so that I don't...
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