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How a stem cell transplant for MS is keeping me on my feet

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bridget snell
Mar 27, 20192 min read
Hand me my Ticonderoga
There are few days on my calendar that are written in pen. An average day is fluid and a pencil is the wisest tool. But today was blank...

bridget snell
Mar 12, 20193 min read
One non blonde
Day +330 I realized this morning that It's been a year since I launched this blog. That means you've heard just about enough to speak...

bridget snell
Feb 14, 20193 min read
I need Joel Schumacher
Day +305 It's been 305 days since transplant, 116 days since my first glass of wine, 116 days since my first haircut, 53 days since my...

bridget snell
Apr 13, 20183 min read
Who's your Daddy, Stem Cells?!
11.8 million stem cells. [mic drop] [picks mic up and runs a Lysol wipe over it, then sprays down with Lysol, then applies Purell to...

bridget snell
Apr 12, 20182 min read
Harvest Day!
If this were a musical, the opening scene would be me, lightheaded and flushed, opening the curtains (and wincing at the light) and...

bridget snell
Apr 3, 20183 min read
Wasabi Nose
Yeah, that's a thing. It's the term one of the staff here uses to describe one of the many side effects of the chemo as it first entered...

bridget snell
Mar 2, 20182 min read
We get a cool flat in MTY
(With a view) Besides that mind-boggling treatment they'll give me in Monterrey, they give us an apartment to live in so that I don't...

bridget snell
Mar 1, 20185 min read
Wait, Bridget has MS?
So, yes. I have Multiple Sclerosis. It's not something that you see when you look at me (when you look at me you just think "She really...
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