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How a stem cell transplant for MS is keeping me on my feet
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bridget snell
Aug 18, 2018
2 min read
Thanks, Billy
Day +125 and positive it is. If this were a stage show, I'd cue the music "ain't no mountain high enough" and put up a big-screen  photo...
bridget snell
Jun 7, 2018
2 min read
I am not Aaron Sorkin's demographic
rangry  \răŋ-grē\ Having run, with anger. I'm approaching the three month mark. It's actually been 82 days since my transplant, 71 days...
bridget snell
Jun 7, 2018
2 min read
I'm easy to find in a crowd
I put a picture of my follicle-y challenged head up on my social media page with hashtag #HSCTlooksgoodonme (I have just one social media...
bridget snell
May 8, 2018
3 min read
Non linear. Thanks.
While you are staring studying my new Mr. Magoo/academic Dr. Evil image, you'll quickly notice that the remaining small patch of hair on...
bridget snell
Apr 24, 2018
3 min read
Don't call it a comeback
As of yesterday, we're out of severe neutropenia! We are out of the land of do-not-do-this-and-do-not-eat-that! This doesn't mean we can...
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